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Meeting Your Child's Needs

Screening assessment
This assessment will explore your child’s underlying motor skills, visual perceptual abilities and sensory processing skills using non-standardised play-based activities. This will outline what your child’s current needs may be and what areas they may benefit from support with.
Comprehensive motor skills assessment
This assessment combines both standardised and non-standardised methods to evaluate your child's underlying motor abilities. It will highlight their strengths as well as areas that may pose challenges. If you are concerned that your child may have Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)/Dyspraxia, this is the assessment you need.
Sensory processing assessment
A comprehensive assessment of your child's sensory processing needs will be conducted. This process involves gathering information regarding their behaviours at home and school, along with observations during a play-based assessment. A detailed summary of their sensory profile and the implications for engagement in daily activities will be provided.

Handwriting assessment
Both standardised and non-standardised assessments will be conducted to evaluate your child's handwriting skills and speed. Visual motor skills, which contribute to handwriting proficiency, will also be assessed. Eligibility for Assistive Technology (AT) will be determined based on the RACE guidelines.
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